
25 March 2009

Recycled pens

I went shopping today, got some groceries and stuff, and had a look in a book store just for fun. They had these "bottle 2 pen" pens, which are apparently made from recycled plastic bottles. The pen is made from a clear plastic and is supposed to be refillable. You just unscrew the tip and replace the ink cartridge inside the pen. But after a look around, I noticed that there are no ink cartridges for sale in the store. Not a single one of any kind. Seems very stupid to me. What is the point of a refillable pen, if you can't buy the stuff to refill it with? Instead of just buying the cartridge, you would have to buy a new pen with a fresh cartridge in it when this one runs dry. This creates more plastic waste. But I guess that's the whole point. If you don't sell cartridges, people would HAVE to buy a new pen, thereby spending more money, making the pen makers a bigger profit. It wouldn't surprise me a bit. In fact, companies do this on purpose all the time.

Did you know that a ridiculously large proportion of all the things you can buy, are ON PURPOSE made to be disposed of within six months? Have a look at this website: It's a pretty interesting 20 minute video that explains a lot of stuff about consumers and resources.

1 comment:

  1. Great video, though the tone is a lil "teachery" at some points :)

    It raises some good points though. Liked it. As I always say, the current (economic) system (and mostly all of them before) works in one way only: You need someone to exploit in order to be successful. This directly follows from the economic system, where a company is only successful if it grows and makes more money than last year. But guess what, in order to get more money, someone has to give it to you, thus having less money left for themselves. It is simply impossible in such a system for everyone to be a winner.
