
24 April 2007

Breaking brakes

Our car is starting to fall apart a lot faster than we had anticipated. Sure, it was pretty much a pile of junk when we bough it, but it looked like it would hold up for a while yet. Last week, the brakes finally gave up completely. We were driving around in central Montreal when we noticed that we barely had any brakes at all. Flooring the pedal as far as it would go barely made the car slow down, it was spitting out brake fluid all over the place. So we very cautiously drove the car to Nikki's father's place, where our roommate Kenneth (who is a mechanic) worked on it along with Nikki's dad and uncle. Soon after taking some parts apart, we noticed that the car is in far worse shape than we thought. The rear suspension is basically being held together by a metal bar that's all but rusted through, and the frame is cracked almost all the way through in the back. Driving too fast into a hard bump at this point is probably going to make the rear suspension and the entire wheel just fall off the car completely. The front wheels are also completely shot, they wiggle back and forth on their fittings and will probably come off on their own in not too long too. Oh, and none of the belts actually lock if you yank them fast. They come all the way out and only stop when the roll runs out of belt, by which time you would already be halfway through the window.

So yeah. We need a new car as fast as we can possibly find one. This one is not much more than a deathtrap on wheels.


  1. You should have noticed... I sell my car!

    For u a super special price!


  2. haha din bil låter ju precis som min ^^ precis hämtat ut den från verkstan idag efter att ha bytat hela jädrans säkringslådan ¨^^//// Tony
