I cooked today. I help Gin with cooking whenever she cooks and needs a hand of course, but I'm rarely the "main chef" who starts the thing and has the ideas. I used to cook a lot more, but I've been lazy so it hasn't happened all that often lately. Besides, Gin likes cooking, and she's an excellent chef, so I rarely need to. But today I felt inspired to do some cheffin', so I made tagliatielle with a creamy bacon and broccoli sauce. A pretty simple dish, and not the greatest thing I've ever made, but it was food so meh. Here's how I made it:
- Heat up water for the pasta.
- Chop garlic and one yellow onion to small pieces and fry them in a frying pan with some olive oil.
- Dice two tomatoes and about 2 cups of broccoli and add them to the frying pan.
- Chop up some bacon and throw it in as well.
- Chop up some sun-dried tomatoes in small pieces and add to the mix. I was going to do this, but my sun-dried tomatoes expired two months ago. Bummer.
- Let it cook until the liquid evaporates, stir every now and then so it doesn't burn.
- The water should be boiling by now, so throw in the tagliatielle.
- Pour about a pint of low-fat cooking cream over the stuff in the frying pan. I used the 4% fat kind.
- Add a dash or two of soy sauce and stir well.
- Add black pepper and salt until it tastes good.
That's it. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.

We went shopping for some groceries today. I bought some reflective stickers and put them on my longboard. It looks pretty groovy, and I will be clearly visible in the dark as well now. Safety is never a bad idea. I also bought a badminton net for about $2 and played badminton with Gin in the garden when we got home. I suck at it, but it was fun. :)
I love pasta of any kind and all kinds. I especially like homemade pasta. When I cook my partner frequently says: "Oh no! Not pasta for supper again!" and then he and rolls his eyes. He's only joking and teasing me because he likes pasta too. Come to think of it I don't know anyone who doesn't like it. ;)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was living in Rome one of my roommates did not like pasta. I was amazed. That's quite an accomplishment being in Italy, but I think I can understand. While I was there I ate so much pasta in all its varieties that I lost a bit of the enthusiasm about it. I still enjoy it, in moderation :)
ReplyDeleteI love pasta in all shapes, especially lasagna. Back when I was a student I think 90% of my meals contained pasta of some kind.