
13 August 2009

Would you like to learn how to play the flute or the guitar?

I've been unemployed for a while now, and though I've been looking for jobs, there really aren't many that I would have a chance of getting. I'm working on my music with Rainhat, but though that will hopefully take off seriously pretty soon when my album is finished, it's not going to bring me much money anytime soon.

Then one day, in a discussion in a forum, a friend told me she was teaching someone how to play the guitar over Skype, and I went "Huh? Hey, that's a great idea!" I immediately started building a site for this purpose. I scraped together 8 bucks for a domain, installed another instance of self-hosted wordpress with the host I already had, and after a couple of seriously intense days in front of the computer, the site is all set up and I'm more than ready to start teaching anyone who wants to learn.

So, if you're interested in taking flute or guitar lessons, I suggest you go check out my site:

Thank you Melinda! :)

I also suggest you go check out Melinda's blog: Melindaville. It's awesome!


  1. I think this is A SUPER GREAT idea - and maybe in a couple of days - if you need some graphics - I might just wanna help you out! LOL! Hugs rain - love having you on the BC discussions - you take care of yourself!

  2. OH - hey - PUT IT IN USD - and I'll bet you tons of money - that you'll get people interested from the States!

    ROCK ON...

    Oh - and put your total credentials up too!

    You need to say how many years you've been playing - add your accomplishments - and you need to have something like (PACIFIC COAST time East Coast time - etc.) ON THE FRONT page...

    Actually - what would be a good idea - is on the front page - a total AD like layout...

    Hmmmm - let me think...

    Like Musician's Friend's layout - like - EVERYTHING in very short condensed version - LIKE walking to a store - and then LINKS to go to the page where they can buy it...

    And you should have a video of you showing someone how to play - so they can get a glimpse of your voice, how you look - and how you would interact with them...

    Who knows you might even get some lonely old ladies who want to learn the guitar - LOL!

    Oh - boy - do I have ideas for your site --- I just wish I had enough time to help you market it - and make it a major success --- uhm...

    If you Youtube some of those guys that teach guitar in 8 weeks with video lessons and look at their sites - you will see what I mean about marketing your self with your webpage - like a SUPER BIG DEAL - like a STAR!!!

    Agg - I think your idea is a GREAT one - and I so wish you the best of luck!

  3. Thanks WW! These are great ideas, I'm gonna make some changes to the site! :)

  4. I'm not tinterested in taking either guitar or flute lessons. I just love to sing and sing and sing ... lol :P

  5. What a coincidence - I like to sing too! ;P
