
16 August 2006

Spider girls

I went climbing today at Action Directe in Laval. Cool place with lots of walls, although the walls could have been a little higher. But I feel like I'm making progress. Feels great! The trails that I started out with a few weeks ago now seem easy to climb. 5.7 still holds a few challenges for me, but they're getting easier too. Mwuahahaha... Maybe it's time to attempt the shimmering and no longer as unattainable craggy peaks of 5.8 next time? By my blade, I shall make the effort!

Yeah. Right now it feels like the biggest thing missing in my climbing is sheer strength in my fingers. I'm simply not strong enough yet to be able to hold on to the smaller grips. But I'm not worried about it, I trust that problem will solve itself in time if I just keep at it.

Girls who climb are hot. Seriously. Apparently climbing gives you the Divine Body. Wow.

A random thought occurred to me in the car on the way home. This "true love" thing... People who believe in the concept of mr Right, "the one" or the perfect match, whatever you want to call it. If there is one, just one person that is perfect for me, how big is the chance that that person will happen to live in my area? Or even my country? It's ridiculously small!
What if the perfect girl for me lives in Sudan? Or on Iceland or in China? Wouldn't that suck quite a lot? I can't afford to fly over there and look. The population of the world is now roughly 6.6 billion people, about half of them women. That's 3.3 billion women! For the sake of argument, let's assume that the average age of the earth woman is 65 years. Let's also for the sake of argument assume that I was only interested in dating girls who are exactly 24 years old. 3.3 billion divided by 65 is almost 51 million people. Of course, out of these a bunch is going to be either fugly, gay, taken, dying, not interested or otherwise not available, but it still leaves freakin' millions of young women! Just getting to know all of them well enough to get the slightest clue about whether this might be the "real thing" would be completely implausable.
Miss perfect for me? Pretty busted theory, if you ask me. Just find a girl you really like who likes you back and work out the rest. No pain, no gain, as they say...


  1. Whine, whine, whine. Quit being to angsty. :P Herr or Faulein right bobbles onto your path because of the mystic cosmic shit the universe is made of.

    These mystic forces are thrown out of wack by thinking on them. Just enjoy life and oh-Wonderous-One will whomp into you.

    Oh, and why doesn't your dumb self link to *my* little blog, hunh? Don't you *like* me. O.o ?

  2. Who's whining? I'm merely illustrating a theoretical aspect of life. :P

  3. Your theory is interesting but, as far as I am concerned, I see a big error in it : the very first quality of the ideal girl is to be within reach, say she's to be in contact with you at some point without you touring the globe to actively find her.

    Now, the question becomes : what if she's within reach and you still can't get to her for some other reason (usually 1m80 tall and 80+ kg heavy). Well, for that question, come back in a year, I hope I'll have found an answer...
